TRO 3050 Refit Guide

  • Last Post 28 January 2019
SturmKrahe posted this 22 December 2018

Hey guys, after a long Hiatus I have returned from the grave to grace you with a new project that I have been working on. I always found it kind of strange that there was such a huge jump from the old TRO 3025 to 3050 gear without many references to anything in between. The goal of this project is to propose some ideas of typical refit kits that may have popped up to supplement the cutting edge designs shown in TRO 3050. One rule i followed was that all refits expressed were to be no higher than Class D Maintenance refits, something that the military forces of the IS would be able to do during their regular maintenance cycles.

As of yet I have not started working out the fluff on the designs and will be working on that next.


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SturmKrahe posted this 22 December 2018

The premise of this refit is to address the low armor of the Catapult as well as the issues encountered with the Anderson 21 series of jump jets by simply removing them, and increasing overall accuracy and endurance.

Catapult CPLT-C1c

Mass: 65 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-F-D-A
Production Year: 3045
Cost: 5,803,325 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,453

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 260 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor
    2  LRM-15s w/ Artemis IV FCS
    4  Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass  
Internal Structure: Standard                     104 points                6.50
Engine:             Fusion Engine                260                      13.50
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             11(22)                    1.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 192                 12.00

                                                      Internal       Armor      
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     21           29        
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  8         
                                           L/R Torso     15           24        
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     10           19        
                                             L/R Leg     15           24        

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass  
LRM-15                                       RA        5         3         7.00
    Artemis IV FCS                           RA        -         1         1.00
LRM-15                                       LA        5         3         7.00
    Artemis IV FCS                           LA        -         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 RT        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LT        3         1         1.00
2 Medium Lasers                              CT        6         2         2.00
@LRM-15 (Artemis) (24)                       RT        -         3         3.00
@LRM-15 (Artemis) (24)                       LT        -         3         3.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 30

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      6    Points: 15
4          4       5       3       0      3     0   Structure:  5
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 2

SturmKrahe posted this 22 December 2018

An overall straight upgrade in offensive capabilities for the Grasshopper thanks to the efficiency and weight savings from switching the Double Heat Sinks.

Grasshopper GHR-6H

Mass: 70 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-E-D-A
Production Year: 3045
Cost: 6,391,773 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,676

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 280 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Unknown
    Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor
    2  Large Lasers
    5  Medium Lasers
    1  SRM-4
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass  
Internal Structure: Standard                     107 points                7.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                280                      16.00
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 4 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT                                         4.00
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             15(30)                    5.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 217                 14.00

                                                      Internal       Armor      
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     22           33        
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  11        
                                           L/R Torso     15           23        
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  7         
                                             L/R Arm     11           22        
                                             L/R Leg     15           30        

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass  
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
Large Laser                                  RT        8         2         5.00
Medium Laser                                 RT        3         1         1.00
Large Laser                                  LT        8         2         5.00
Medium Laser                                 LT        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
SRM-4                                        HD        3         1         2.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 20

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      7    Points: 17
4j         5       5       0       0      3     0   Structure:  6
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

SturmKrahe posted this 22 December 2018

This next Refit kit is specifically for BNC-3S model Banshees in service, and serves as a logical stepping stone between that design and the 5S

Banshee BNC-4S

Mass: 95 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-F-D-A
Production Year: 3045
Cost: 9,553,440 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,290

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 285 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor
    1  Gauss Rifle
    2  ER PPCs
    1  SRM-6
    4  Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass  
Internal Structure: Standard                     145 points                9.50
Engine:             Fusion Engine                285                      16.50
    Walking MP: 3
    Running MP: 5
    Jumping MP: 0 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             16(32)                    6.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 2 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 288                 18.00

                                                      Internal       Armor      
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     30           47        
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  12        
                                           L/R Torso     20           30        
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  10        
                                             L/R Arm     16           31        
                                             L/R Leg     20           39        

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass  
2 Medium Lasers                              RA        6         2         2.00
ER PPC                                       LA        15        3         7.00
Medium Laser                                 RT        3         1         1.00
SRM-6                                        RT        4         2         3.00
ER PPC                                       RT        15        3         7.00
Gauss Rifle                                  LT        1         7        15.00
Medium Laser                                 HD        3         1         1.00
@SRM-6 (15)                                  RT        -         1         1.00
@Gauss Rifle (16)                            LT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 10

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:     10    Points: 23
3          5       5       3       0      4     2   Structure:  8
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

SturmKrahe posted this 22 December 2018

This refit attempts to take the Archer from a strict back line fire support unit to a front line combatant by increasing the energy based firepower.

Archer ARC-3R

Mass: 70 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-F-D-A
Production Year: 3045
Cost: 6,520,973 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,551

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 280 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor
    2  LRM-15s w/ Artemis IV FCS
    1  Large Laser
    4  Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass  
Internal Structure: Standard                     107 points                7.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                280                      16.00
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 192                 12.00

                                                      Internal       Armor      
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     22           29        
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  8         
                                           L/R Torso     15           24        
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     11           19        
                                             L/R Leg     15           24        

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass  
2 Medium Lasers                              RA        6         2         2.00
2 Medium Lasers                              LA        6         2         2.00
LRM-15                                       RT        5         3         7.00
    Artemis IV FCS                           RT        -         1         1.00
LRM-15                                       LT        5         3         7.00
    Artemis IV FCS                           LT        -         1         1.00
Large Laser                                  CT        8         2         5.00
@LRM-15 (Artemis) (16)                       RT        -         2         2.00
@LRM-15 (Artemis) (16)                       LT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 29

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      6    Points: 16
4          3       4       2       0      3     2   Structure:  6
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 2

icehellion posted this 24 December 2018

A cool idea.


The main question is when do these retrofit packages show up? This could change a few things.

SturmKrahe posted this 24 December 2018


@IceHellion To answer your question, most of these are close to 3045 however if they carry a lot of advanced weapons that are out of place for the faction that favors the base design it is safe to assume that it would be closer to the 3050 date.

SturmKrahe posted this 24 December 2018

An amalgamation of capabilities between the Thunderbolt 5S and 5SS, the 6S Refit allows the pilot familiar with these designs to feel right at home, while having enhanced capabilities. Aside from this the TDR-6S retains the PPC and jump jets from the TDR-5SS, while retaining the LRM-15 rack, and Anti-Infantry capabilities from the TDR-5S, with the identifiable cluster of Medium Laser present from all Thunderbolt configurations. Outwardly the Thunderbolt 6S seems completely unassuming, with nothing to identify any major technological advancements went into it, however those are all happening under the hood, where the cooling circuit is enhanced using double heatsinks, and the launcher is augmented with an Artemis Fire Control system.

As such, a favorite of both the Successor states, and Mercenaries due to its versatility, manufacturers struggle to keep up with the refit kit orders for the TDR-6S package. Rumor has it that most manufacturers offering the refit kit ran up a two year backlog of orders within the first six months of offering the refit package, showing the popularity of both the mech and the refit package.

Thunderbolt TDR-6S

Mass: 65 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-F-D-A
Production Year: 3045
Cost: 6,009,410 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,576

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 260 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: Unknown
    Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor
    1  PPC
    1  LRM-15 w/ Artemis IV FCS
    3  Medium Lasers
    2  Machine Guns
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass  
Internal Structure: Standard                     104 points                6.50
Engine:             Fusion Engine                260                      13.50
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 4 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT                                         4.00
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             11(22)                    1.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 200                 12.50

                                                      Internal       Armor      
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     21           31        
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  8         
                                           L/R Torso     15           22        
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  8         
                                             L/R Arm     10           20        
                                             L/R Leg     15           26        

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass  
2 Machine Guns                               RA        0         2         1.00
PPC                                          LA        10        3         7.00
LRM-15                                       RT        5         3         7.00
    Artemis IV FCS                           RT        -         1         1.00
3 Medium Lasers                              LT        9         3         3.00
@MG (1/2) (100)                              RA        -         1         0.50
@LRM-15 (Artemis) (16)                       RT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 25

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      7    Points: 16
4j         3       4       3       0      3     0   Structure:  5
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 1

MajorTom posted this 02 January 2019

A Catapult without jump jets??? Blasphemy!


LOL, looks great though, good work!

SturmKrahe posted this 28 January 2019

Noting the popularity of the Export models of the Charger that utilized smaller engines, the DCMS decided to use them as a platform for a refit for the Charger CGR-1A1 and other those smaller engine Chargers that had not been sold off yet. The new Charger designated CGR-2A1, follows the same design philosophy of the 1A1 which focuses on independence from supply lines by utilizing an all energy payload, however it takes it to a new level. Thanks to a completely reworked cooling system, the Charger 2A1 is able to manage its heat far better than any of the older model designs, while providing more weight to be used towards payload capacity. This payload comes in the form of an Extended Range PPC which has relatviely recently been put back into production by the Draconis combine, backing up this highly advanced weapon system is a more traditional array of standard lasers, consisting of a pair of Large Lasers, and quartet of Medium Lasers, and while the design does rely on sixteen double heat sinks, it still struggles to manage all the heat generated from this formidable array of weapon systems in a pitched battle. Rounding out the specs for the Charger 2A2 refit is a heavily armored shell, consisting of Fifteen and half tons of armor, providing it with exceptional protection, and allowing it to have the endurance necessary to take full advantage of these new advanced systems.

Charger CGR-2A1

Mass: 80 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-F-D-A
Production Year: 3045
Cost: 8,103,720 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,785

Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 320 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor
    1  ER PPC
    2  Large Lasers
    4  Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass  
Internal Structure: Standard                     122 points                8.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                320                      22.50
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0 
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             16(32)                    6.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 247                 15.50

                                                      Internal       Armor      
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     25           38        
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  12        
                                           L/R Torso     17           26        
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  8         
                                             L/R Arm     13           26        
                                             L/R Leg     17           34        

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass  
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
ER PPC                                       LA        15        3         7.00
Large Laser                                  RT        8         2         5.00
Medium Laser                                 RT        3         1         1.00
Large Laser                                  LT        8         2         5.00
Medium Laser                                 LT        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 26

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      8    Points: 18
4          4       4       1       0      4     1   Structure:  6
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
